Thursday 24 March 2016



Emily Katycat All right so you don't like me trying to be humorous BUT YOU FUCKWIT ARE NEITHER FUNNY NOR NICE BUT AN ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF THE LORD FOR YOUR CREEPY SMILES WITH YOUR MASSIVE COW LIKE MAMMIES JUTTING OUT THAT I HAVE SEEN SO MANY TIMES BEFORE ON YOUR SADISTIC MYSOGENOUS FILTHY KATY PERRY BACKED PORN SITES i.e. free to children no questions asked ~ you filthy harlot, BELAY THE TRUTH THAT YOU WORSHIP THE DEVIL FOR I SIR Lancelot du Lac AND John Rumary ~ Jesus Christ of Palestine are one and the same GOD and John Rumary married Katy Perry well Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson <3:xD Katy Perry in June 2014 and was subjected to the MK Ultra Monarch mind control CIA backed programme by my handler wife Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson and a hate/torture campaign by Katy and you and the other Katy Perry's Inc. your boss 'lady-boy' Katy Perry #666 FOR WHEN I GOT THE gig Superb Owl 49 for Katy Hudson she arrived upon the Beast not only dressed as the Whore of Babylon but SHE IS the WHORE of BABYLON with more disgusting porno photo-shoots of her asshole being degraded mostly by 2 black cocks at a time that a 'Katy Perry google search' for KATY PERRY ANAL SEX you can watch her commit buggery with strangers on over 130 million websites but when her Father pronounced her a Devil Child she sold her soul to the Devil and became SATANS whore committing foul acts of nakedness in front of the children that you specialize in putting on your grotesque macabre show on for as SATAN who I spent 4 weeks looking after in an English mental hospital after I exorcised the Katheryn Guzman de Hudson Mike Colita de Algodon DEVIL himself from and slayed with Katy watching because Katy and I are soul mates and she possessed me days after she murdered John Rumary who came back to life as Jesus Christ the Messiah and she can see out of my eyes and SATAN informed myself and other patients including St Michael who Katy Perry ET really was. NOW your organization is a front for child sex abuse, child sex slave trafficking, paedophilia and YOU; SLUT WHORE SICKO know this and align yourself with KATY the female SATAN who lost control of Jesus who escaped Katy's mind control and she is so sad sentenced to death judged as she is because I came down from heaven to exorcise Katy of the 7 demons she was possessed with including the horseman of the Apocalypse that lived inside her cunt as she was riddled with incurable VD, STD and HERPES a lost heroin addict only fit for slaying and burning at the stake one ISIS pagan black witch goddess of Black MAGIC! and she is waiting to be arrested and jailed for her child sex abuse and worldwide mind control programme you sick slut who will accompany her because the games up and I informed the UK Government via Member of Parliament Rt Hon Greg Clark MP for Royal Tunbridge Wells, CONSERVATIVE CABINET MINISTER and they are compiling the evidence needed in secret because of your corrupt US Government [See Global Research website] and their involvement in the Hollywood entertainment industries SATANIC Illuminati MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control agenda for the masses via the CIA. WE WILL SOON BE RID OF YOU IN CA STATE PRISON AND YOU WILL COME INFRONT OF ME FOR JUDGMENT AND I REMAIN WITH MY PROPHECY ABOVE I WILL FLOAT PAST YOU AND LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE, KATY PERRY HOWEVER IS GOING TO HELL TO HAVE CRUCIFIXES RAMMED UP HER ASSHOLE BY SATAN FOR ETERNITY AND KATY WAS WITH ME WHEN I BOOKED SATAN PERSONALLY TO STICK THE CRUCIFIXES UP HER IN TORMENT. AS A FAVOR FOR EXORCISING HIM OF HIS DEMONS THE DEVIL HIMSELF WHOM I DESTROYED NOW FUCK OFF AND WAIT TO DIE OR WAIT TILL YOU ARE ARRESTED THERE IS NO LOVE HERE FOR YOU SLAG.

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